On this, the first day of Black History Month, we invite you to sit with the reality that many promises of Black liberation remain unfulfilled. This fact is evident in nearly ever realm of life; it can be seen in the disproportionate rates of incarceration of Black people, the hyper-policing of Black spaces and communities; the brutality of the police against Black people; the segregation that enables the maintenance and devaluation of Black spaces; the disparities and inequities in healthcare, education, housing, and employment.
More recently, and disgracefully, some have demonstrated a steadfast, bold unwillingness to address and reconcile the legacies of anti-Blackness globally, nationally, and locally. This is evident through the ongoing attacks on Critical Race Theory and consequential devaluation of Black intellectual traditions and histories.
We have a lot of work to do beyond what the founders of the stolen land we call the United States imagined. This month, we sit with the realities of violence, inequity, and disparities, alongside the local and national resilient efforts to create a nation in which Black people can live and thrive.
But, let’s be clear – every day, there is a Black history that can and should be honored and commemorated. Over the next month, and beyond, we will spotlight moments in Black North Carolinian history.
Perhaps the best commemoration of this history is current, ongoing work to protect and honor Black lives. Here are some local organizations doing incredible work to address the disparities and inequities that continue to plague Black communities: